
All of the blog posts have a "soundtrack" listed. I firmly believe we feel things more deeply when we associate a thought or experience to a song. I pray the Spirit will use my words and these songs to draw you in deeper into the love and grace of the Triune God!

Some posts have a "backpack" item. Simply, these are books that I would suggest for further reading on a given topic.



I haven't written anything for a couple of days, and I am glad to say that feels wrong. I am glad to say I have gotten used to the habit of writing on a regular basis. I don't have a real good reason why I haven't spent time with my computer, but I do have at least a dozen or so thin reasons. Let's just call them excuses. I am sick, and it is difficult to be productive when I don't feel well. I realize how spoiled and lazy I am when my routine is thrown off in the slightest. I have other things on my mind, and my heart is heavy from accidentally offending some close friends. Miscommunication, particularly here in the blogeshpere, can throw a major wrench into life. It seems despite my hyper-communicative behaviors, I am still susceptible to significant miscommunication. I want to be spending time with my family. I want to play with my nieces. I wasted, in the best way, hours talking with my brother earlier in the break. And, to be honest, I feel entitled to a vacation. I feel entitled to slide by. I need to get lost in worship at Wesley. School work looms. It's one thing on top of another. There's not enough time. There's never enough time. How revealing of our character change is in our life, even when it is temporary! I was shocked at how little the major changes in my life affected me. Yet, here I am. I have learned to love my little Wilmore routine. I didn't realize how helpful it had been for me to put my life in Conyers behind me until it was in my face again. The truth is, I don't have it all figured out. I am poor and needy. I am weak and in need of a savior. I need the rock of Christ in my life or else I will tumble in the tide of this world. Christ have mercy on me, a sinner in need of grace. I am glad that I recognize I need the Lord in my life. No matter how neat I think my world is, it is still a wreck without Jesus.

Soundtrack: Amazing Grace (My chains are gone), Chris Tomlin


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