
All of the blog posts have a "soundtrack" listed. I firmly believe we feel things more deeply when we associate a thought or experience to a song. I pray the Spirit will use my words and these songs to draw you in deeper into the love and grace of the Triune God!

Some posts have a "backpack" item. Simply, these are books that I would suggest for further reading on a given topic.


Hot Heels

I'm wearing high heels today. Let's be honest, I am a big fan of wearing heels, shopping for them, and talking about them. It holds a power that no other activity does. No matter how old I get I still get the feeling like I'm doing something really grown up. My nieces often play in Aunt Jill's heels, and Ava walks better in heels than most grown women. The higher the better, for both me and them.

Here's the thing, a simple choice like wearing heels changes how I walk. It's something I do every day, walking that is, but somehow it is totally transformed when I'm walking in heels. I strut a bit, and I have to walk slower so I don't fall over.

Today as I walked across campus, taking care not to step on a grate, I thought about how this relates to basic Christian disciplines. Making a choice, particularly one that affects the physicality of an activity, changes how we interact with it. When I choose to go to a prayer chapel to pray, I am affected. When I stand to worship, I am affected. When I kneel, when I walk forward for communion, when I hold someone's hand, when I cry in public I am choosing to interact with the Lord in a way that doesn't feel so rote. Choosing to elevate an activity invites the Holy Spirit to do something special. This doesn't stop the quick prayers throughout the day just like wearing heels won't stop me from rockin' some flip-flops. But, I need to be attentive to the choices I make and allow them to affect me.

Soundtrack: Red High Heels, Kellie Pickler
