I took Sacramental Theology with Dr. Robert Stamps and Dr. James Hart the second week of August.
Luckily we had a paper in that class, so I won't bore you with ALL of my
geeked-out thoughts and reflections from the material. However, it affected me and my understanding of who we are as Christians and what it means to worship the
triune God in a
continuous wave of inspiration. I find that this paradigm shift continues to bring new light to scripture, the activity of worship, and the way I frame my thoughts about God. Expect to continue to hear about this class over the next few months.
We read Alexander
Schmemann's For the Life of the World. He said, " When man stands before the throne of God, when he has fulfilled all that God has given him to fulfill, when all sins are forgiven, all joy restored, then there is nothing else for him to do but to give thanks. Eucharist (thanksgiving) is the state of perfect man. Eucharist is the life of paradise. Eucharist is the only full and real response of man to God's creation redemption and gift of heaven. But this perfect man who stands before God is Christ."
Is that what you are thinking when going forward at communion? Are you thankful? Are you ever mindful of the cross? What would the church look like if we stopped trying to make worship about us? Why are we so preoccupied with the musical aspect of worship? What would happen if we became preoccupied with the proper way to celebrate the Eucharist? How would that attitude of thanksgiving permate the way we live our lives the rest of the week? Is it possible that our misunderstanding of the sacraments has led to a decline in the faithfulness of Christians? How does a low view of the Eucharist affect our theology? Grace requires a response, and thankfully we have a guide in how to respond to God’s grace through the
sacraments. As we, the body of believers, respond the good news appropriately go forth, the faithful are strengthened and the lost drawn to Him.
Soundtrack: Priceless Treasure, Charlie Hall and Give Thanks to the Lord, Wesley Praise Band
Worship, Community & The
Triune God of Grace; James Torrance
The Sacraments in Protestant Practice and Faith; James F. White
For the Life of the World, Alexander
SchmemanThe Altar's Fire; Daniel B.