
All of the blog posts have a "soundtrack" listed. I firmly believe we feel things more deeply when we associate a thought or experience to a song. I pray the Spirit will use my words and these songs to draw you in deeper into the love and grace of the Triune God!

Some posts have a "backpack" item. Simply, these are books that I would suggest for further reading on a given topic.



There is this girl that used to know. She pushed all my buttons, and I consider that she is everything that I can't stand about America and the south*. People that fall into this category are indeed the only true group against which I am prejudice. She is a redneck that doesn't think she is. She has those tacky nails. She is greedy, she is passive aggressive, thinks that white people are superior, and she's just all around bratty. She is incapable of thinking for herself, and is not a believer until you ask her, and then she chooses to be with the "in crowd" which means Christian in the south. Her "faith" is impersonal and disingenuous, and it is repulsive to me. I cringed every moment that I had to be around her. I wanted to hit her. I am reduced to the most human and broken and disgusting parts of myself when I was around her. She made snide remarks about how much better she was than everyone, which I find terribly offensive. I tried to be grateful for every moment that I had to endure her. Nicole once told me about a youth worker that she labeled EGR, or "Extra Grace Required." I can only BEG for God's grace because I am incapable of loving this woman. She is my lesson in grace.

* Please note: I love both America, and the south, however there are things that are often considered American traits, and Southern traits that do not apply to me. These are embarrassing stereotypes given to these two groups. I grieve when people live up to the stereotype.

Soundtrack: She's Country, Jason Aldean.

*Note: I heart that song.

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